The result is wonderful and maintenance is practically zero, we only have to change the water approximately every 2 months and we can keep the crops like this for several years.
When we put a cutting in water we must be patient because it can take several weeks to start taking root, normally after 2 weeks we will see some white spots on the bottom of the cutting, which is where the roots begin to sprout.
LOW CARB CRACK SLAW: A Flavorful Twist on a Classic Dish
My husband is crazy about this dish. We finish one serving, and he immediately wants more.
Fried Cabbage with Bacon Onion and Garlic
6 Houseplants That Naturally Remove Black Mold From Bathrooms And Walls
A Utah Father And Daughter Are Dead After A Bulldozer Fell On Top Of Their Pickup Truck Over The Weekend
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Bratwurst Casserole Recipe
Yellow stripes in the bathroom? With this method, you will actually eliminate them!