Here we tell you which ingredient to use
If you’ve tried them all, today we bring you the ultimate solution . It is a process of removing moisture stains from the mattress with an ingredient that you are probably already very familiar with. We’re talking about baking soda.
To remove moisture stains from this surface:
Remove all blankets and sheets from the mattress and allow it to air dry completely.
Mix a cup of baking soda with a few drops of lavender oil or tea tree oil to create a natural deodorant.
Sprinkle baking soda on the area affected by moisture stains.
Let the baking soda sit for at least an hour, or longer if the stains are particularly stubborn.
Vacuum the baking soda from the mattress with a vacuum cleaner.
Clean the stained area with a damp cloth and allow it to dry completely.
Place clean, scented blankets and sheets on the mattress.
Bicarbonate de sodium
No oven, no flour, quick dessert in 10 minutes! incredibly delicious
Love making a huge batch of this and freezing for later! Quick and easy meal!
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Cranberry and orange bread with simple glaze
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