You will have a remedy with a thousand properties at almost zero cost
If you have a hedge or even a laurel plant at home, you will have an all-round remedy at practically no cost . Its versatility will lend itself well to many needs in the home, and I will explain how I use it every day!
I put it in all the kitchen cabinets
I really mean it! The essential oils contained in bay leaves keep away many annoying insects which generally invade our kitchen at different times of the year.
The most feared are the flour butterflies . This is why I always keep (even in the winter months) fresh bay leaves in all the compartments of the pantry , changing them when they become too dry. This practice is truly a “preventive measure” that allows us to avoid having invasions of unpleasant insects in the pasta and flour.
All-natural homemade fabric softener. Very effective, more so than industrial ones.
Title: Revitalizing Beetroot and Lemon Elixir for Colon Health and Weight Management
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