What began as a thrilling summer adventure for young Michael Stewart turned into a devastating loss. The unexpected incident has stirred grief and concern over the camp’s safety measures, prompting a thorough investigation.
A tragic incident unfolded at Liberty Lake Day Camp in Burlington County, New Jersey, on Monday, as six-year-old Michael Jeffrey Stewart drowned on the first day of summer camp. The heartbreaking news has left a family grieving and a community in shock.
Michael’s mother, Enjoli Stewart, expressed her devastation and disappointment with the camp. “Liberty Lakes messed up. Big time. And now I don’t have a son anymore. That’s heartbreaking,” she told FOX 29.
Michael had been eagerly anticipating his first day at the camp, unaware that it would be the last day of his life. He was supposed to be at the camp for several weeks, for which Enjoli had spent thousands of dollars. She said:
“I did everything I could to make sure he got placed into the right school and the right camp.”
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