I tried them all! Now I defrost the freezer in just 5 minutes, here’s how I do it!
One of the problems we often encounter is having to defrost the freezer .
Once the freezer appears to be completely frozen, it becomes a real problem to remove the ice .
Defrosting the refrigerator takes a lot of time and that is why on this page you will be able to read the solution to this annoying problem.
I tried them all! Now I defrost the freezer in just 5 minutes, here’s how I do it!
To get around this problem, it is advisable to have a refrigerator and freezer with an integrated “ no frost ” function, that is, a function that prevents the walls from freezing .
If, on the other hand, your fridge does not have this function, you must continue reading this page. However, it is good to remember that the best prevention is to clean the freezer regularly .
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