A dirty sink is a breeding ground for cockroaches
Maintaining a clean kitchen by washing dishes promptly is an effective first line of defense against cockroaches. This simple habit can go a long way in deterring these pests and keeping your living space free of unwanted visitors. A tidy sink is one less factor that can contribute to a frustrating roach problem.
2: Clear Up Your Garbage
Garbage and any home remedy for cockroaches you think of will never go hand in hand! If you have open and overflowing garbage cans in your home, there are bound to be some pests. Opt for garbage cans with lids to maintain hygiene. Segregate waste and dispose of them at regular intervals.
3: Scoop up All the Food Crumbs
Cockroaches can generally be found near food crumbs and leftovers. No wonder then that the kitchen is their favourite room! Always keep your kitchen clean. Sweep the floor and wipe kitchen counters after cooking.
Home Remedies for Cockroaches That You Can Try
Indians love to use home remedies for roaches. We are always armed with our lakshmanrekhas, acids and any other approved remedy. Building on that then, here is our list that is all about how you get rid of cockroaches with home remedies.
1: Sprinkle a Pinch of Boric Acid
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