“That’s what balances my life out. Family is the most important thing, because the curtain will come down eventually, and then what do you have?” And it seems like the singer has instilled the same values in his children. When Memorial Day weekend rolled around, the entire family, including his kids and grandchildren, made a trip to the burial site of Donny’s parents. in the caption, he wrote, “A wonderful Memorial Day yesterday as we remember my wonderful parents. I miss my Mother and Father but I know we will be together again someday.” Some fans immediately noticed something significant; how the Osmonds were visiting their family’s gravesites; something not a lot of people tend to do.
One fan wrote, “It’s nice that literally your whole family was there to pay respect. Many graves never have any visitors and that’s so sad. Love is something that some parents can’t show, because they were never shown it. Your parents showed all of you lots of love and you were lucky.” While another added, “So many people don’t visit graves anymore. They use it as a 3 day weekend, get anyway. Just my siblings visit my parents graves, which we learned to do as children. It was a given.” “Lovely to see the whole family there ❤️,” another fan simply commented. It is so nice to see the entire Osmond clan unite as they visit their beloved family members who have passed on. Share this with others who might enjoy to look at Donny Osmond and his family as they pay their respects to their beloved family members who have passed on.
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