In a large bowl, mix together the ground beef, egg, bread crumbs, pepper, salt, onion powder, garlic, and Worcestershire sauce.
Form into thick patties.
Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium heat.
Fry the patties and onion in the oil until patties are nicely browned.
Remove the beef patties to a plate, and keep warm.
Sprinkle flour over the onions and drippings in the skillet. Stir in flour with a fork, scraping bits of beef off of the bottom as you stir.
Gradually mix in the beef broth. Season with seasoned salt. Simmer and stir over medium-low heat for about 5 minutes, until the gravy thickens. Turn heat to low, return patties to the gravy, cover, and simmer for another 15 minutes.
Prime Rib Recipes
If you just place it in the kitchen, it will eliminate all insects, including flies and mosquitoes.
10 minutes pizza rolls out of the oven
Clean Toilet: Since I discovered this method, they are always white and shiny! I no longer use chemicals!
Apricot Jam