Socks are one of the clothes we use the most and, therefore, they are the ones that tend to get dirty and wear out over time. Being in continuous contact with your feet, it is common for dirt to adhere to your socks and stains that are difficult to remove form, especially if you walk around the house barefoot.
Although many cleaning products have been developed, there are those who are looking for ecological alternatives to avoid the use of harsh chemicals. These, according to this research carried out by the Mutual de Seguridad Clinical Hospital of Chile, can be very harmful to our health if we do not use them correctly. Fortunately, now it is very easy to use all those practical and economical tricks that allow us to whiten these clothes without affecting our health or the environment. Next, we want to share with you the 5 most effective tricks to whiten socks without using bleach.
1. Salt water
The warm salt water solution helps to more easily remove dirt stains that accumulate on socks.
- 2 tablespoons of salt (20 g)
- 1 liter of warm water
How to use
- Pour the two tablespoons of salt into a liter of water, stir so that the salt dissolves and immerse the socks.
- If the socks are very dirty, add a little detergent for better results.
- Avoid using very hot water, as it can damage the elasticity of the garments.
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So good! The kids love these so much that we often need to not double, but triple this recipe. Yup, not a typo