Humidity in the car will cause condensation problems on the windshield. In addition to fogging on the car windows, in the most serious cases, unpleasant musty odors, streaks on the floor mats, and sometimes even mold stains on the seats can also occur. We often blame bad weather for this. However, many drivers neglect the anti-humidity reflexes that help keep a vehicle dry. Our bad habits can then lead to high humidity in the cabin. Find out how to remove moisture from your car, regardless of the make or model (Renault Clio, Citroën C3, Peugeot 208, etc.).
If you’re wondering every day why your car smells damp, and especially how to prevent fogging inside, these tips will help. Whether you suffer from asthma or allergies, or simply want to ensure safety and good visibility, or to keep your vehicle in good condition, as moisture can cause damage, we recommend implementing these measures quickly.
1) Drain the windshield bay well
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