Put some powdered sugar in a small bowl and add a little bit of milk or water. Stir and keep adding liquid until you reach a smooth, slightly runny consistency. You want the glaze to run off the doughnuts when you’ve dipped them.
Dip a donut hole to test the glaze, and place it on a cooling rack to set. If all the glaze runs off, add more sugar, and if it’s too thick, add more liquid. No measuring needed.
Filled Doughnuts
If you choose to fill the large yeast doughnuts, push a skewer into the center of the doughnut to make a hole. Next, put some room temperature jam, or slightly warmed chocolate hazelnut spread (I’ve gone off Nutella since they’re using tons of palm oil) into a piping bag and pipe the filling into the doughnut.
And finally, this is why I shared this doughnut recipe: I recently (now it’s about 10 years ago!) received this message~
“One day at work your brother showed me a picture of some absolutely perfect-looking donuts you made. Any chance of posting that recipe?” -Destruction
Perfect Yeast Doughnuts
yield: 16 DOUGHNUTSprep time: 30 MINUTEScook time: 15 MINUTESrise time: 1 HOUR 30 MINUTEStotal time: 2 HOURS 15 MINUTES
The best recipe you’ll ever find for light and fluffy yeast doughnuts! I promise!
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