1st Step
Combine graham cracker crumbs, melted butter, and sugar in a bowl. Form a uniform crust by pressing the mixture onto the bottom of a baking dish about 9 inches by 13 inches. While you are making the filling, put the dish in the refrigerator to keep it cold.
2nd Step
In a large mixing bowl, whip the cream cheese that has been softened until it is smooth. While beating, add powdered sugar and vanilla extract and continue to mix until everything is incorporated.
3rd Step
Combine the crushed pineapple that has been drained with the cream cheese in a low-speed blender. Make sure that the pineapple is well distributed throughout the dish so that each mouthful has a blast of tropical flavor.
4th Step
To make the heavy whipping cream into stiff peaks, whisk it in a separate dish until it reaches the desired consistency. Fold the whipped cream into the combination of cream cheese and pineapple in a careful manner until the mixture is smooth and airy.
5th Step
Take the baking dish out of the refrigerator and spread the pineapple and cream cheese mixture evenly over the graham cracker crust. This will ensure that the topping is consistent.
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