This type of vinegar, diluted in water, can be used as an alternative to detergents to clean the floor.
A solution based on white alcohol vinegar and water can also be used to effectively clean glass.
Mix 1 part white alcohol vinegar with 4 parts water and use the solution to clean and disinfect all bathroom surfaces.
Dismantle sinks and shower heads and soak them in vinegar for about 30 minutes to remove limescale.
White alcohol vinegar is an effective substitute forlaundry softener, and is used in the same way.
To remove limescale from the moka, fill it with water and a little vinegar and place it on the stove, as if you were preparing a coffee but without coffee. This operation helps to remove limescale from the moka.
Fill a container with white alcohol vinegar and place it in the bathroom or bedroom to absorb and eliminate bad odors. a>
Use a solution of 1 part white alcohol vinegar and 3 parts water to clean the refrigerator and eliminate dirt and odors .
Apply pure white alcohol vinegar to metals to eliminate oxidation.
I appreciate your gratitude! This solution is perfect for a quick source of comfort!
Farmer’s Casserole
HOME TRICK, how to clean and degrease the glass inside the oven: You don’t have to dismantle anything – it’s quick and easy!
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