Once filled, cut them with a pair of scissors so that they are in small pieces.
Place them inside the plastic bottle into which you will pour a liter of water.
Let the mixture sit in the open air for 24 hours.
Then filter the preparation. To do this, you can use a filter cloth or simply a strainer.
Now you have the best fertilizer for all types of plants, including indoor and outdoor plants.
This solution can be used for up to two weeks. After this period, you will need to throw it away and repeat the operation.
This natural fertilizer should be kept in the refrigerator when not in use.
You can water all types of plants. Whether they are large or small, flowering or not, it allows you to observe significant growth.
It is recommended to use this onion water every 20 days.
Keep in mind that in order for your plants to grow healthy and strong, you should take into account the following tips:
Tips for caring for plants:
1 – Light
For the phenomenon of photosynthesis to occur, the plant needs light. (insert hyperlink)
Without light, your plant will inevitably die.
Generally , plants with large leaves do not need a significant amount of light because they have more chlorophyll.
2 – Substrate
Soil texture is fundamental. That is why the most fertile soils are the best suited for your plants.
Clay soils which are more compact and therefore more likely to absorb water.
Finally , there are sandy soils, which do not absorb water and nutrients. Therefore, a significant amount of fertilizer will need to be added.
3 – Water
Water is a vital source of minerals for plants. Through their roots, plants draw water from the soil.
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