DreamWorks Animation, the beloved studio behind hits like Shrek, Madagascar, and How to Train Your Dragon, has never shied away from promoting inclusive values. Their decision to publicly support Pride Month with colorful animations featuring characters from their popular franchises waving rainbow flags was met with applause from many in the LGBTQ+ community. The studio even posted a heartwarming short featuring Kung Fu Panda’s Po the panda and Trolls characters dancing under a rainbow, all to the soundtrack of uplifting music.
Yet, what was seen by many as a simple celebration of diversity became the lightning rod for Musk’s ire. A few X-users, echoing Musk’s sentiments, claimed that DreamWorks was pushing “woke propaganda” and alienating traditional audiences.
“Is there no escape from the rainbow?” one disgruntled user wrote, while others joined in, calling for a boycott of the studio and labeling its films as “vehicles for wokeness.” Though DreamWorks Animation was not new to political and social backlash, they likely did not foresee being cut off from X, a platform they used to connect with millions of fans.
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