Cool: Remove from oven and let cool completely before serving.
Shredded coconut: Use fresh shredded coconut for a more intense flavor.
Sweetness: If you prefer, add a little brown sugar for a more caramelized flavor.
Texture: For a softer texture, add a grated apple to the dough.
Decoration: Sprinkle the cookies with coconut sugar or shredded coconut before baking.
Bonus tip: For a special touch, add chocolate chips to the batter before baking.
Yield: Approximately 20 cookies
The dough should have a soft but not sticky consistency. If it’s too dry, add a little milk.
Cookies will be softer if stored in an airtight container.
When squeezing lemons, don’t make the mistake of throwing away the seeds: they are worth their weight in gold used this way
“I grew up eating stuff like this, we weren’t poor but we weren’t rich either”
Macaroni and Cheese
Following Chiefs, Steelers Also Announce Boycott of Pride Nights: “It’s Purely Woke and Satanic”
Maraschino Cherry Shortbread Christmas Cookies!
Home invaded by cockroaches? Here’s how to clean the floor to eliminate them immediately!
Simple & Easy Air Fryer Meatloaf Recipe
The owner of the flower shop recommended this home remedy to me: My orchid, my schlumbergera and my Christmas cactus have already bloomed!
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